For the first time in Egypt’s cement industry, Kattameya plant used waste as alternative fuel in the main burner.
Suez Cement group of Companies, continues its investments aiming at improving conditions and protecting the environment in the country. It has taken a long-term commitment towards environmental sustainability.
In this context, SCGC Kattameya plant’s team successfully uses waste as an alternative fuel in the main Kiln burner and reduce dependence on fossil fuel around 10% of the total fuel used. This is addition to substituting 15% of fuel in the Calciner so that alternative fuel use will amount for 25%. This means that the amount of waste and biomass burnt this year will be doubled to 75.000 tons, a matter which will reduce CO2 emissions by 100.000 tons annually.
Cement kilns are typical solution for safe disposal of waste due to the high temperature that reaches 1500 degrees, which leads to the total decomposition of organic compounds, and reduces waste, buried or disposed of, in a scientific manner that is beneficial to the environment .
SCGC is looking forward to increasing its dependence on waste as fuels in its plants to 30% of the current used fuel mix . reaching this percentage means the group will burn approximately 500,000 tons of waste, a matter that conforms with the government’s plans for safe and scientific disposal of waste.

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