“Go Green” initiative launched in Suez Cement
Marking the World Environment Day, Suez Cement group of Companies (SCGC) launched an initiative for its employees and their children under the slogan of “go green” in all group plants.
The initiative aims at raising awareness of the importance of protecting the environment and activating contributions of the group in achieving goals of 2030 vision through supporting forestation and increasing the green spaces in its five plants, thus enhancing the environmental awareness.
In this context, awareness sessions will be organized about the importance of protecting and maintaining the environment, and how to grow plants on rooftops, balconies and vacant areas within buildings in order to increase the green spaces without fertile soil. The workers and their children will, in collaboration with the management, grow trees in specific areas inside and outside at the plants.
On this occasion, CEO of Suez Cement Group Jose Maria delivered a message to the workers and their children. He stressed on the importance of environment protection, maintaining the green spaces and rationalizing the use of water. He stressed commitment of the Group towards sustainability for 2030, as it should be shown in our minds and daily activities, which will be reflected on the compliance of the Group.

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