Heidelberg Materials Egypt reaffirms its commitment to employee safety and health
The global materials company celebrates Safety Week
"We are firmly committed to our responsibility towards the safety and health of our employees, contractors, suppliers, and communities. Occupational health and safety of everyone is a core value of our company and an integral part of our Sustainability Commitments 2030," said Mohamed Hegazy, Heidelberg Materials CEO in Egypt, in celebration of Safety Week.
Heidelberg Materials Egypt commemorates Safety Week, which is held globally every year from 24-27 September. The event aims to not only enhance the health and safety culture in the company, but also to discuss recent developments in the field, in line with the company's safety policy and continued efforts in order to provide a healthy and safe work environment.
In light of this, many activities were held across the week in all three plants - Kattameya, Helwan, and Suez - to create employee engagement and raise awareness. Informative sessions were provided for employees, covering various topics such as first aid, fire emergencies, safe driving, danger prevention and much more.
A virtual reality simulation for safety driving was also held to train employee on best practices when sitting behind the wheel. In addition, Safety driving trainings were provided to the families of employees.
Heidelberg Materials Egypt also held the "100 Days of Health" campaign, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health. Female employees received an awareness session on the importance of early check for breast cancer as well as a free mammogram. Other services were provided additionally to check blood pressure and diabetes for all employees.
During the week, our safety achievements were also recognized, and top performing employees were awarded with prizes.
Heidelberg Materials Egypt's attention to safety is not confined to Safety Week; however, it is an ongoing effort for development and progress to achieve our goal of "zero harm", both inside and outside the workplace.